Alga (or it's plural, algae) were first explored as an alternative
fuel in 1978 under President Jimmy Carter. Gas prices had skyrocketed, lines at
the pump were endless, and the government was looking to help ease the crisis.
The Aquatic Species Program run by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory,
researched high oil-output algae for bio-fuel. After testing more than 3,000
types of algae, the program concluded that the high-yielding plant, if produced
in large enough amounts, could replace fossil fuels for home heating and
transportation purposes.
The race is on for a new form of fuel. With fuel prices soaring the sky, dependence on imported oil and depleting resources worldwide, finding alternatives to petroleum-based fuel and fuel-related products are urgent. Fortunately, scientists have been studying the production of alternative products to make a cleaner, greener fuel for years.
Algae is one such species which grows naturally all over the
world. Under optimal conditions, it can be grown in massive, almost limitless,
amounts. Scientists have been studying this oil for decades to convert it into
algae biodiesel a fuel that burns cleaner and more efficiently than

Himansh Verma
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